I am a Software Engineer, hailing from Nigeria, but living in San Francisco, California, USA. I specialize particularly in web development as a full stack developer. I have experience with years of contract Software Engineering and Web Development jobs, full-time roles, and internships. Agree or don't, I think what makes a good Software Engineering hire is character. An amazing Software Engineer to have in your team is one who remains passionately persistent on a problem until it is solved. This, I believe, sets apart people who study programming from programmers. This is a unique personal attribute I have leveraged and cultured in boosting productivity in myself as well as others.
Having started off my journey as a programmer with Python over 7 years ago, I have transitioned to also enjoy programming in PHP for backend programmes. I am still very proficient in Python and I am also adept in PHP . I have taken a number of roles that also involved more frontend designs than backend. One unifying motif I identify from taking these roles is that it is not as much the number of languages or frameworks that you know, but rather how much creativity and intelligence you bring in to creating applications that people would find convenient, easy to learn, and rarely problematic. Scaling is not just an issue with the backend but also the frontend. Dealing with large data from API calls or HTTP requests might be easy, but deciding how you display or use your data is where that talent shows.
I seek to work in environments that challenge me, with people that challenge me, on tasks that challenge me. If there is one thing that I would say could define me as a Software Engineer, it is the ecstasy of working on a bug for days, thinking about it in the shower, while I scoop ice cream, while sleeping, or even on a date and figuring out a way around. An idea is always a step forward! Looking for ideas on how to get around a problem you do not know how to solve or solutions to which you cannot find on Stack Overflow or Quora, asking the "dumbest question that is not expected of a well experienced Software Engineer" is what sets apart a successful Software Engineer. You may wonder why there is a link to visit my old site, well, it is because that was the first website I ever built - with mere JavaScript and jQuery, no Bootstraps or other fancy software, creating the HTML/CSS skeleton from the ground up and tackling one bug after the other. It was a huge learning moment and certainly has sentimental value!